Thursday, January 27, 2011

2010 Holiday Season

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year all in one sitting! Every year is better and better with a small one. Suddenly you are doing everything in your power to make that little one in your life as happy as possible. If they are happy then you are glowing. Santa was seen a couple times this year which was great because Tate was able to get used to him. The first visit was at the Bass Pro Shop with the Mertz and the Days. It was so fun and since we visited before Thanksgiving on a Thursday night there was practically no line.

Tate even helped put up the tree this year. It is always more fun to have some help.

We made Gingerbread houses at Nana Debs.

Santa also showed up at the Tabor house so we went to have cookies with Santa. By this visit we were getting a little more used to the Santa thing.

We visited downtown Knoxville with Gram to see all the pretty lights, ice skating rink, and of course we had to do some shopping at the Mast General Store.

We even got some snow to play in. I have been blessed with many snow days this year. And the first big snow Travis ended up going to work so mommy put on the layers of clothes and got some fun pictures!

Izzie Beth had her first dance recital and it was memorable. Izzie's class was about to go on stage when someone came to get Abbie. Izzie had gotten sick all over her outfit!! She was a trooper though and danced her second dance "All I Want for Christmas." She did so good.

We had the annual friends Christmas party at our house this year and we had a good turn out. Actually the house was packed! The kids had a great time in Tate's new room and the "Big" room. Travis had an idea to do a poker white elephant and of course I was one of the first ones out winning some golf balls. And of course Travis did better than I did but he only got a digital photo key chain that we haven't been able to figure out yet. We also went to Dollywood with Nana Deb, Gram, and Pap. Ab and Iz were supposed to go but couldn't because Iz had strep. The lights were great and it really fun to see Tate's reaction.

We had Christmas with Dad at Ab's this year. We had Papa Murphy's pizza due to a request from dad and it was yummy! Iz and Tate love to jump all over him.

Christmas Eve we had breakfast with Daddad at Shoneys and then we moved on to Nana Deb's house for presents and the Christmas Eve service at our church. Tate and Iz did pretty good staying still and listening.

Christmas morning was a blast. Tate was excited to run downstairs to see what Santa left him. This was his first year of sort-of knowing what was going on. His big present was a red four-wheeler. He loved it at first until he sat on it and pushed the pedal and it went backwards. Now he is scared to ride. Iz did get him on one day when she was over to play.

Christmas Day was spent at the Shulars. We had a great day being lazy and eating too much! Tate was definitely the show. The day after Christmas we headed up to Mamaw and Papaw's house along with the snow. The snow just kept falling and of course I was nervous the whole time. Before the end of the day I was sick, sick! It was miserable. Travis was ready to take me to the hospital because I could not keep anything down. He took such good care of me! I love him for that!!


We had a fun but very busy Holiday season this year!