Friday, February 12, 2010

Christmas 2009

Better late than never! Christmas was a blast this year. Tate was really into opening gifts....more than I thought he would be. Santa met us at the Knoxville Zoo this year. We went with Abbie and Izzie and had a wonderful breakfast with Santa. Neither one of them were too scared of Santa. After we ate breakfast we walked around the zoo. There were some animals that weren't out due to the cold weather but boy were we in for a show from the gorillas. They were extremely active!

Below is our first picture of Tate and Izzie together on Santa's lap. What cute cousins!

We made gingerbread houses this year at moms and we did make a mess. Tate just enjoyed eating all the goodies. You'll notice his mouth is red. We had to give both of them a bath to get the red stain off their bodies.

Santa was good to Tate this year. He must have been good in 2009 (he is always good in my book). He got a basketball goal (this is his second - he grew out of his other one), a radio flyer scooter, Encore Elmo, and many more toys and clothes.

Can't wait to see what next year has in store for the Shulars!

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