Tuesday, July 6, 2010

North Myrtle Beach 2010

This year we decided to go to the beach in June. This worked out better with our busy work and summer schedule. The Stewarts were supposed to go with us but God had other plans so we still decided to find a place and go ourselves. Our reservations started on Sunday so we decided to drive to Greensboro to visit with Derick and Scarlett which worked out great for us. It cut the trip up and Ray and Carolyn were there too. Tate slept most of the trip to the beach and on the way home...something about the car that wears him and myself out. We stayed at Baywatch and had a one room place that was just right for us this year. It had lots of pools that Tate grew to love. He started jumping in by himself while we there. He was fearless. He also loved the sand and waves. Every morning we would go down to the beach and play in the ocean puddles. These were cold at first but the sun would warm them up throughout the day. Travis and/or I would follow Tate as he wandered down the beach. Around 11 or 11:30 Tate was spent and ready for a nap and a hotdog. He would eat and be out for 2-3 hours. Travis and I would take turns on nap duty (but I have to say...I got more beach time...thanks Trav). When he woke up we would go down for a couple more hours and end up in the pool. Every night we would find some good place to eat and yes Travis did talk me into seafood two nights. One of them we drove to Calabash and the other one was the buffet Travis has been talking about for months. I am so glad we went and got to make some Shular memories together!!

Tate's 18 month pics

We got 18 month pictures done in early May at the Botanical Gardens in Knoxville. These were sort-of a spur of the moment thing but really turned out well. Below are some we took ourselves before the shoot. We used Travis's Radio Flyer wagon as a prop and had a great time.

Papaw Mike's Birthday 2010

Dad's name is Papaw Mike to Tate and Izzie. This is hard to get used to...calling everyone by their "new" names but oh so much fun. Dad picked to go out to eat for his birthday so we ventured to Outback...YUM! Tate and Izzie were all over dad he could barely eat. Tate evened sneezed in Dad's salad and dad said he lost his appetite. I am sure it was a sweet sneeze! Later in the evening we went and played on Izzie's new swing set. She got this for turning 3. We had a great time!

Izzie Turns 3

Izzie Beth is 3! Izzie had a party at the Bouce House this year. Tate loved it this year because he was big enough to bounce on his own. He found a favorite spot and wanted to do over and over. Izzie got a load of presents and did so good opening her presents. Everyone got a ball as a party favor. You know Tate was in heaven. You can tell Izzie Beth is loved!

Tate's first "real" camping trip - Bear Tree

I am really amazed that it has taken us this long to take Tate camping especially since Travis and I enjoy it so much. I call it his "real" camping trip because we all three actually slept in a tent together. That was an experience. It was really hard to get Tate to calm down and go to sleep with his mommy and daddy right beside him. Aren't we supposed to play like we do in our play tent at home?? We went to Bear Tree Campground in Damascus, VA with the whole Street clan. On Saturday we rode the Creeper Trail...well lets say Tate and I started to ride but it fell right at nap time and a down pour so we ditched everyone for a nap. That was an experience because I didn't have a car seat and I had to drive papaw's truck in the pouring rain with Tate's head on my lap. Oh..but what a memory! We had a great time and hope to do more camping in the near future!!