Monday, September 13, 2010

#2 is on the way!

We found out on August 1st that we would be having another Shular baby come into this world. We were so excited that Tate will be a big brother. We decided not to tell anyone until we went to the doctor the first time which was August 26th. This was a hard secret to keep especially from out parents. I ordered a "big brother" shirt for Tate to wear and surprise our parents. The day we got the shirt in the mail we could'nt stand it anymore. We decided to tell Abbie first. I called and invited ourselves over for dinner...yum mom's lasagna! We get in the door she noticed the shirt first off. She was super excited! We went to moms next and she noticed the shirt as Tate was walking up the porch stairs. She couldn't believe it! We decided to pick some veggies from the garden so we called Gram and Pap to come over and pick some of the okra that was going bad. They came over and hung out for quite awhile before noticing the shirt and of course they were super excited too! Dad found out since he kept Tate at our house the night of our 10 year reunion and we continued to call other family and friends after that weekend since it came out at the reunion festivities. We are really excited to add another life to our family!

Smith Mountain Lake with the Streets

In the middle of July we decided to crash the Street vacation at Smith Mountain Lake. My Aunt and Uncle have a condo on the lake and everyone was gathering together. Tate rode his first jet ski very slowly between Travis and I. We ate good and had lots of fun. We visited the Smith Mountain Boat Dock because my Aunt kept talking about the "big" fish. WOW! These things were huge and there were so many. We had a great time feeding them lots of popcorn. The last night we were there we all got in the boat and rode to the Mexican place to eat. Glad we could crash the party!

See what I mean...Big and lots of them...

First trip to Dollywood

My Birthday fell on a Monday this year and Travis and I happened to be off for the July fourth holiday so we decided to do something fun for us and Tate. Tate has never been to Dollywood so we decided to make a day of it. I don't know who was more excited Travis or myself. One thing about parenthood that I love it showing your child new fun things in life. Well this day was full of them. When we got there we decided to go straight to the Country Fair. We rode the elephants and the tea cups together. What a blast! What I wasn't ready for was for Tate to ride some rides by himself...sounds absurd at 21 months! On the contrary Tate was able to ride the Bubble Bees and the Ducks all by himself...what a big boy! We also made our way up to the carousel and the last stop was the famous steam engine train. By this time in the day Tate was wore out and actually fell asleep on the train. What a great and memorable birthday!